Would you like your online meetings and consulations to run more effectively, be more inclusive and productive?
Email: spiparticipatoryinitiatives@gmail.com
Would you like your online meetings and consulations to run more effectively, be more inclusive and productive?
Email: spiparticipatoryinitiatives@gmail.com
IDS has an excellent archive of our early work Click here
Scottish Participatory Initiatives are looking forward to working with the East Dunbartonshire Community Engagement Network. The Community Engagement Network are a group of representatives from various community groups across the authority. They are looking to engage with the public to find out what the issues are in East Dunbartonshire and find ways to address them. They are currently working on a consultation on transport. They hope to eventually gain representation on the community planning partnership board.
Voluntary Sector Gateway West Lothian are interested in hearing your views and ideas about living here in West Lothian and to hear from you about what you feel would make living here even better for you. We would like to know what you feel will help you to maintain your independence in the future.
Date: 22 January 2013
Voluntary Sector Gateway West Lothian wants to find out what older people need to maintain their independence, good mental and physical health, and social well being.
To enable them to do this, the Gateway needs 25 older volunteers for a community consultation project; training will total two days in February or March from 10am till 4pm. Participants must be willing to do face to face community consultation with their peers. So, if you would like to be part of a team learning how to consult and engage using non-leading and inclusive methods, this is a golden opportunity.
You will become part of a team of local people and this project will involve your time for a couple of days a week for the four month duration of the project. It is great fun and will give you a range of skills and experience. You will never have to work alone and you will gain confidence and skills in project planning, design, data analysis, team working, speaking to members of the public, presentation, communication skills and a lot more.
A meeting for those who are interested in volunteering to take part in this community consultation will take place at 2pm on Monday 4th February at Voluntary Sector Gateway West Lothian on North Bridge Street in Bathgate. For more information send an e-mail to Lynsey at lynsey.kyle@vsgwl.org or telephone 01506 650111.
To have your say, and effectively contribute to local service plans, if you see the team out and about please take part; all responses are anonymous but your involvement will help build a picture of community needs.
Voluntary Sector Gateway West Lothian is the interface between the Community Planning Partnership and the Voluntary Sector, working strategically and in partnership with a number of public, voluntary and private sector organisations to promote, support and develop West Lothian’s Voluntary Sector.
Lynsey Kyle
Project Co-ordinator
Voluntary Sector Gateway West Lothian
36-40 North Bridge Street
Bathgate EH48 4PP
Phone: 01506 650111
Fax: 01506 650222
Email lynsey.kyle@vsgwl.org
Web www.vsgwl.org
SPI is working with Voluntary Sector Gateway West Lothian to train local older and young people to carry out participatory consultation to find out what older people feel will enable them to maintain their independence and prevent them from becoming dependent upon care homes.