Over the last few months Andy has been busy working on a number of contracts in a number of places:
In Sri Lanka Andy designed and facilitated an evaluation of a Fisheries Law Enforcement and Governance pilot project (DFID Civil Society Challenge Fund), for Resource Extraction Monitoring, and Rainforest Rescue International. This was a participatory evaluation of a DFID-funded national fisheries governance project with NGO staff, government officials and fishing cooperative members;
In Ghana, Liberia and Belgium he carried out an Independent Evaluation of the “Seat at the VPA-FLEGT Table” Programme, for FERN; Here he designed and conducted a participatory evaluation of an EU-funded international forest governance and civil society involvement programme with national and international stakeholders; and,
In Liberia, for the Community and Conservation Forestry in the Nimba Forests Programme, Arcelor Mittal he designed and facilitated a multi-stakeholder workshop to agree on sustainable forest management modalities incorporating social issues in north Nimba.